In order for the Recorder Division to expedite the document process, we invite you to review our Real Estate Recording Guide prior to submission. Below are listed steps for recording a document in Summit County.
- Prepare documents legibly according to statutory requirements and standardization.
- Properly title, date and execute the document including typed names and titles beneath all signatures. Make sure each name and signature is consistent throughout the document.
- Properly witness and/or acknowledge all documents according to the laws of the State of Ohio, including a complete and legible notary seal and expiration date.
- Include the complete legal description of the property with all initial recordings and on subsequent recordings where required by state statute.
- Properly reference previously recorded documents when submitting subsequent related documents for recording. This may include document numbers, book and page numbers and recording dates.
- Include the name and address of who prepared the documents and the address of where the documents are to be returned. Include a phone number because some jurisdictions will call if a minor and correctable problem is noticed.
- Identify schedules and exhibits clearly and number each page so the jurisdiction knows they belong with the document to be filed.
- Include applicable taxes and be sure to issue a separate check for recording fees.
- Include a self addressed stamped envelope to ensure return of the document.
- Check your work and issue separate checks for extra fees to ensure proper processing of a document and to avoid rejection at the recording office.