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Home Homestead Exemption

Homestead Exemption



The homestead exemption is a valuable tax reduction providing Summit County homeowners an average savings of $535 per year. With homestead, eligible homeowners receive an exemption on the first $28,000 of appraised value from taxation for a single family home. Eligible Military Veterans receive an additional exemption on the first $56,000 of appraised value from taxation for a single family home. For more information about the Homestead Exemption, download an application below or call (330)643-2661.

Who qualifies for the Homestead Exemption?

  • Homeowners over the age of 65
  • Homeowners who are permanently and totally disabled
  • Military veterans who have either 1.) received a total (100%) disability rating for service-connected disabilities, or 2.) received a total (100%) disability rating for compensation for service-connected disabilities based on a determination of individual unemployability
  • Homeowners already receiving the Homestead Exemption, who have recently changed residences
  • Spouse of a fallen first responder who passes away in the line of duty


Homeowners over the age of 65:

  1. Must not have a total household income over $38,600/year if applying in 2024, or $40,000 if applying in 2025, which includes the Ohio adjusted gross income of the owner and the owner's spouse.
  2. Must be age 65 by December 31 of the calendar year for which the exemption is sought.
  3. Must own your home or manufactured home and claim as primary place of residence as of January 1 in year of application.
  4. Must provide proof of age and current residency by submitting a photocopy of a valid Ohio driver's license or State of Ohio ID card.
  5. Must complete and submit DTE Form 105H, Addendum to the Homestead Exemption Application for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons and Surviving Spouses.

DTE 105A (436.69 KB)
Homestead Exemption application form for those over 65 years of age or permanently and totally disabled
>> Details


Homeowners who are permanently and totally disabled:

  1. Must not have a total household income over $38,600/year if applying in 2024, or $40,000/year if applying in 2025, which includes the Ohio adjusted gross income of the owner and the owner's spouse.
  2. Must be permanently and totally disabled on January 1st of the year for which the application is filed.
  3. Must own your home or manufactured home and claim as primary place of residence as of January 1 in year of application.
  4. Must provide proof of current residency by submitting a photocopy of a valid Ohio driver's license or State of Ohio ID card.
  5. Must complete and submit DTE Form 105H, Addendum to the Homestead Exemption Application for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons and Surviving Spouses.
  6. Must provide documentation of disability (see application for acceptable forms of documentation). The documentation must include the date you were declared disabled.


Military veterans who have either 1.) received a total (100%) disability rating for service-connected disabilities, or 2.) received a total (100%) disability rating for compensation for service-connected disabilities based on a determination of individual unemployability:

  1. Must own your home or manufactured home and claim as primary place of residence as of January 1 in year of application.
  2. Must provide proof of current residency by submitting a photocopy of a valid Ohio driver's license or State of Ohio ID card.
  3. Provide a copy of military discharge form DD214, displaying an honorable discharge
  4. Provide a copy of the VA award letter either 1.) assigning disability rating at 100%, or 2.) granting total compensation at the 100% level and a copy of the finding that the veterans’ application for “individual unemployability” (also referred to as “IU”) has been granted

DTE 105I (522.46 KB)
Homestead Exemption application form for military veterans evaluated at 100% disability from a service
>> Details


Homeowners, already receiving Homestead Exemption, who have recently changed residences:

  1. Must be currently receiving the Homestead Exemption on a residential property in the state of Ohio.
  2. If you were enrolled in the Homestead Exemption prior to tax year 2014, you may keep the exemption under the previous guidelines. You will not be subject to a means test if you change residences.

DTE 105G (440.67 KB)
Homestead Exemption addendum for homeowners currently receiving Homestead Exemption, who have recently changed residences.
>> Details


Homeowners who are a surviving spouse of a fallen first responder:

  1. Must provide verification that the public service officer was killed in the line of duty by providing a letter confirming this from either a state pension fund or the department or agency that the public service officer served when the officer was killed in the line of duty
  2. Public service officer is a paramedic, emergency medical technician (including EMT-basic, EMT-I, and “first responder” classes), a paid or volunteer firefighter, or a police officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, or other class of peace officer as defined for the purposes of the law governing the authority to arrest or issue citations

DTE 105K (845.23 KB)
Homestead Exemption Application for Surviving Spouses of Public Service Officers Killed in the Line of Duty
>> Details


Homestead Exemption


Monday thru Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Ohio Building
175 S. Main Street Room 301
Akron, Ohio 44308