
Summit County Fiscal Office

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Home Fuel Quality Testing

Fuel Quality Testing



As your Summit County Fiscal Officer, it is with great pride and success that I am able to implement our Fuel Quality Testing Program since 2005.

The purpose of this program is to make certain that consumers are getting what they are paying for. We are testing for octane levels and for water and sediment in storage tanks; we are also checking that spill rims are free of dirt and debris. Protecting consumers and assuring fairness in the marketplace are among our top priorities for testing the quality and quantity of fuel. To see how we test for fuel quality at all of our 178 stations three times a year, click HERE.

Test results for all fuel quality tests conducted beginning 03/01/2022 are available in a user-friendly grid that can be accessed here: Fuel Quality Test Results

Please review the following tips to help you use the test results grid:

  • To sort by any column, click once on the column name (i.e., Establishment) to view the information in ascending order. Click again to view the information in descending order.
  • To filter (or search within) any field, hover over the column name and click the three lines to the right of the column name. You will see that you have a variety of options such as “contains”, “equals”, or “starts with”.
  • The filter for the test date field includes options such as “greater than”, or “in range” to allow you to view specific dates or ranges.
  • Additionally, you can use the various filters together. For example, if you would like to see all tests conducted in April 2022 for zip code 44333, go to the zip code filter and select “equals”. Enter 44333. Then go to the date filter and choose “in range” and enter 4/1/2022 and 04/30/2022.
  • Click “clear” in any filter to clear your filter results.
  • To download any of the information, click the button labeled “Download CSV export file”.

Please contact Jay Curry, Director of Services at 330-630-7227 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if you have questions, would like to request test results prior to 03/01/2022, or to register a complaint.

Disclaimer: The Fiscal Office inspects every gas pump within Summit County for octane levels, sediment, contamination and water. All testing results are published. In the event of a failure, the station has seven days to correct the problem before it is re-tested. Most infractions are corrected within 48 hours. The Fiscal Office will make every effort to update this information on a daily basis. The Summit County Fiscal Office Weights and Measures Department makes no expressed or implied warranty concerning the accuracy of this information because testing is continuous. Changes may be made at any time and without notice.