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Tax Programs | Files: 42 | |
Here you will find our various tax relief and or reduction programs. If you're unsure whether you qualify for any program(s), please click details for an explanation about the program(s) and who to contact should you need further assistance. |
Tangible Personal Property Tax | Subcategories: 5 | Files: 14 |
Personal property may be classified in a variety of ways. Tangible personal property refers to any type of property that can generally be moved (i.e., it is not attached to real property or land), touched or felt. |
Recorded Documents | Subcategories: 1 | Files: 14 |
The forms you find here are the most common used. If you have any questions regarding the preparation of the said form(s) please consult your attorney or call the "Lawyer Referral Service" provided by the Akron Bar Association at 330-253-5038 or visit their Web site at If you cannot afford an attorney call Community Legal Aid at 330-535-4191 for more information. The Recording Division is responsible only for the recording of documents. This office cannot and does not provide legal advice. |
Property Tax Rates (Full Effective) | Files: 11 | |
Full Effective Property Tax Rates |
Policies & Procedures | Files: 6 | |
A set of documents that describe the Summit County Fiscal Office policies for operation and the procedures necessary to fulfill the policies. |
Lodging Excise Tax | Files: 6 | |
The Lodging Excise Tax specifically applies to all transactions in association with lodging. This includes transactions from a hotel, motel, rooming house, or other lodging accommodations furnished to transient guests. |
Licensing | Subcategories: 2 | Files: 28 |
Here you will find various applications the Summit County Fiscal Office is responsible for issuing. |
Levy Information | Files: 2 | |
New and Pending Levy Information may effect your taxes |
GIS Data Downloads | Subcategories: 7 | Files: 98 |
Summit County GIS data is available for download as individual datasets. Layers have been contributed by the agencies making up Summit County Geographic Information Services. These are not maps, they are raw data files intended for use by professionals and enthusiasts familiar with spatial data formats. Please review the Frequently Asked Questions before downloading any data. |
Data_Downloads | Subcategories: 4 | Files: 86 |
Here you will find copious amounts of data exports using vertical-bar delimiters with column headers and can be easily opened using Excel, Access or any application that can read CSV files. Each file is compressed using the ZIP archive format. All data is subject to change without notice. |
Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports | Files: 23 | |
Each year the Fiscal Officer's Auditor Division must prepare and submit a Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) to the Government Finance Officers Association of America. This report provides a full and complete disclosure of the financial position and operations of the county for the year ended December 31. Preparation of this annual report represents a continuing commitment to improve the financial management of the county. The Summit County Auditor's/Fiscal Office has been awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by GFOA consecutively since 1986. |
Additional Services | Files: 7 | |