
Summit County Fiscal Office

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Home Weights & Measures

Weights and Measures



Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE is dedicated to protecting consumers and maintaining fairness in the marketplace. As the sealer of weights and measures, she ensures consumers in Summit County get what they pay for.

Most items are sold by weight, volume, length, count or measure: a dozen cookies, a yard of cloth, a gallon of milk, 30 minutes of drying time at the laundromat, or 10 minutes of vacuum time at the car wash. The Weights and Measures Division of the Fiscal Office tests the accuracy of devices used in these transactions including scales, gas pumps, scanning systems, timing meters and platform scales. They also inspect packaged goods to determine the accuracy of count and weight, and examine the method of sale on items such as firewood.

Fuel quality testing is also regulated through the Weights and Measures Division of the Fiscal Office. Summit County is the only county in the state of Ohio to perform fuel quality testing and enforce it through their county charter. Inspectors test for octane levels, water and sediment by using tools and methods such as the Scully Water Detection Device, Stick and Paste, Bacon Bomb and Zeltex Octane Analyzer. They look for accuracy of price per gallon, quality and quantity delivered. Fuel quality testing is performed biannually at approximately 178 fuel stations in Summit County.

Fiscal Officer Scalise advises consumers to be aware of the following issues in the marketplace:

  • Gas pumps: Be sure that the price advertised on the street sign matches the price posted on the gas pump for grade and type of service (full serve, self-serve, cash/credit)
  • UPC scanner systems: Most retail items bear a Universal Product Code (UPC). This symbol is a series of numbers and vertical bars which provides product information when electronically scanned. Watch the checkout display as the item is scanned to ensure it matches the price advertised and the price charged on your receipt.
  • Packaged goods: All packaged goods must be marked with a label listing the net contents. Net weight should not include the weight of the bag, wrapper or container. Consumers should only pay for the amount of product inside the package.
  • Deli scales: The scales and their quantity value indicators must be in plain view of the consumer, so you can watch the item being weighed. The scale should be at zero prior to the weighing and nothing should be obstructing the scale.
  • Look for the Fiscal Office seal: Commercial weighing and measuring devices are randomly tested by our inspectors. When correct, the seal of approval is adhered to the device. If you do not see the seal, then the device has not been approved by our office. For more information about Weights and Measures in Summit County, please contact our customer service at 330-630-7233 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Do you have a question about weights and measures in Summit County? Click here to access our frequently asked questions page: Weights & Measure FAQs


Weights and Measures

Fuel Quality Testing
The Fiscal Office currently tests fuel for octane levels, sediment, contamination and water in storage tanks. Weights and Measures inspectors check every gas pump in Summit County for accuracy of price per gallon, quality and quantity delivered at least once a year.


Gas Prices

As a result of rising gas prices, we have several links available...

Gas_Nozzle Price Charts
Gas_Nozzle Helpful Tips
Gas_Nozzle Message Forum