
Senior Services


Senior Services

Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE wants to help you learn about issues that are critical to older Americans. This site offers information involving consumer issues, education on savings and real estate tax deductions and provide assistance on various programs available to persons age 50 and older who have made the world a better place with their contributions.

Learn about programs, services and resources that assist senior homeowners

Homestead Exemption
The homestead exemption is a valuable tax reduction offering Summit County home-owners an average savings of $535 per year.

To qualify, home-owners must be at least 65 years of age, or declared permanently and totally disabled. The homestead is also available to military veterans who have received a total (100%) rating for service-connected disabilities OR have received a total (100%) rating for compensation for military service-connected disabilities based on a determination of individual unemployment. Applicants must own and occupy their home as their principal place of residence as of January 1 in the year of application.

Due to the passage of Ohio House Bill 59, new applicants are subject to a means test. Eligible home-owners cannot have a total household income over $38,600 in 2024, or $40,000 in 2025. Household income includes the Ohio adjusted gross income of the owner and the owner's spouse. The means test does not apply to home-owners who were enrolled in the homestead exemption prior to tax year 2014 or qualifying military veterans. For more information, click here.

Real Estate Discount Program
This is a prepayment program that provides Summit County citizens with a method to budget their semi-annual tax payments. Taxpayers are able to share in the interest revenues generated from early payments in the form of a discount credit, which reduces their semi-annual tax bill. Real estate taxes must be current to participate in the program. There are two enrollment cycles, August 1 through October 31 for the first half tax collection and February 1 through March 31 for the second half tax collection.