Tuesday, 01 November 2011
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced that her office conducted a Negotiated Tax Certificate Lien Sale on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. Woods Cove II, LLC was the successful bidder with a bid of over $5.54 million on 1,002 parcels. Parcels that sold consisted of residential, commercial and industrial properties. The Fiscal Office was able to collect $5.54 million in delinquent tax dollars as a result of the sale.
The 2nd Annual Summit County Adopt-A-Thon will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2011, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Division of Animal Control, located at 250 Opportunity Parkway in downtown Akron. The event is being sponsored by County of Summit Executive Russell M. Pry, Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise and the Summit County Animal Coalition.
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE announced today that she will seek election to a full term. Kristen was appointed as your Summit County Fiscal Officer on May 12, 2011. She manages the auditor, recorder and treasurer divisions of the fiscal office.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced the last of the 2011 Triennial Update Reappraisal neighborhood conferences will take place September 27, 28 & 29, 2011 at the Kenmore Community Center at 880 Kenmore Blvd. in Akron from 1:00 p.m. till 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE announced today she would offer real estate tax relief to property owners of Penguin Condominiums who sustained flood damage to their property in the wake of the recent July storms. Scalise’s office is taking the necessary steps to provide property owners the ability to file an “Application for Valuation Deduction for Destroyed or Damaged Real Property”, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §319.38 with her office.
Tuesday, 06 September 2011
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced that the 2011 Triennial Update Reappraisal neighborhood conferences will begin starting Tuesday, September 6, 2011. There will be four conference sites in neighborhoods throughout Summit County, with the last conference concluding on September 29, 2011.
Thursday, 01 September 2011
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced that the 2011 Triennial Update Reappraisal neighborhood conferences will begin starting Tuesday, September 6, 2011. There will be four conference sites in neighborhoods throughout Summit County, with the last conference concluding on September 29, 2011.
Fiscal Officer announces new property values for 2011 triennial reappraisal update
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced that the 2011 triennial reappraisal update informational brochures will be mailed to residential property owners beginning August 22, 2011. Neighborhood conferences will start Tuesday, September 6, 2011. There will be four conference sites in neighborhoods throughout Summit County, with the last conference concluding on September 29, 2011.
Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE collaborates with CSEA to continue to serve the citizens of Summit County
Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced her office will process all cash child support payments beginning August 1, 2011.
CSEA clients will continue to utilize the payment window on the first floor of the Ohio Building and CSEA will still accept checks. However, those making cash payments will be given an invoice with their payment information. Clients must then take this invoice to the Treasurer Cashier area of the Fiscal Office on the third floor to make their cash payment.
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE announced today she would offer real estate tax relief to property owners throughout Summit County who sustained storm damage to their property in the wake of the July storms. Ms. Scalise’s office is taking the necessary steps to provide property owners the ability to file an “Application for Valuation Deduction for Destroyed or Damaged Real Property”, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §319.38 with her office.
Second half 2010 real estate tax bills in the mail; tax bills available on-line; taxes deferred for military reservists on active duty
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced second half 2010 real estate tax bills will be mailed starting June 8, 2011.
The closing date for payment will be Friday, July 15, 2011 with the exception of military personnel.
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise is pleased to announce her office is again offering a Tax Installment Plan for homeowners. The program provides relief through monthly installment payments for residential homeowners who are facing financial difficulties because of our ongoing economic conditions.
This continues to be the first program of its kind in Ohio.
Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced today that the deadline for filing an application for Homestead Exemption and the 2.5% Tax Reduction for tax year 2011 is Monday, June 6, 2011. Real estate taxes are one year in arrears. Applications are available in our office or online the first Monday in January until the first Monday in June.
Homestead Exemption is available to homeowners who are at least 65 years old during the year in which you first file, or be permanently and totally disabled, under the age of 65.