
Tax Installment Plan

Monday, 06 June 2011

Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise is pleased to announce her office is again offering a Tax Installment Plan for homeowners. The program provides relief through monthly installment payments for residential homeowners who are facing financial difficulties because of our ongoing economic conditions.

This continues to be the first program of its kind in Ohio.

Scalise said property owners who pay their real estate taxes directly to the Fiscal Office but cannot pay the second half amount due can avoid late payment penalties by enrolling in the TIP. To be eligible all taxes and assessments must be current. The deadline to sign up is July 15, 2011, also the last day to pay second half 2010 real estate taxes.

Full payment must be received by November 15, 2011 to avoid the statutory 10% penalty for late payment. There is a 5% enrollment charge, which is calculated on the current amount of taxes due.

Only owner-occupied properties qualify. Homeowners who participate in our Delinquent Tax Program are not eligible; the program is not available to commercial owners or those homeowners who escrow their taxes with a mortgage lender.

Property owners who would like more information or want to enroll in the program can call the Fiscal Office at 330-643-2678 or visit our Tax Programs.