Contact: Sarah Hegnauer
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .(330) 643-8472 Akron, Ohio, April 28, 2020 – Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE is pleased to offer relief to taxpayers during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) national emergency. The Tax Installment Payment (T.I.P.) Plan will be available to property owners who are unable to make payment for second half 2019 real estate taxes due in July. Enrollment in T.I.P. can help property owners avoid late payment penalties.
The program was previously offered only to owners of residential, owner-occupied property. On April 27, 2020, Fiscal Officer Scalise lifted the occupancy requirement and expanded eligibility to rental properties, agricultural properties, commercial parcels, and manufactured homes.
“We have all been greatly impacted by this crisis. I understand that many residents are experiencing significant financial stress right now, and they are concerned about making payment in July. I want them to know that relief is available,” said Fiscal Officer Scalise. “I also encourage those who are able to make payment in full, to please do so. Real estate tax collection generates funding for tax authorities that are vital to our community during this time, including our schools, safety forces, and local governments.”
To qualify for the program, parcels must be current on real estate taxes. First half 2019 real estate taxes, which were collected in February, are required to be paid in full prior to enrollment. Parcels with outstanding delinquencies, tax liens, or a current delinquent tax contract are ineligible.
Taxpayers who are interested in enrolling in T.I.P. must contact the Fiscal Office to establish a contract specific to their needs. By enrolling in the program, the taxpayer agrees to make monthly payments until November 15 of the year the plan was implemented.
Relief is also available to property owners who have outstanding delinquent real estate taxes. The Delinquent Tax Payment Plan offers assistance to those who have fallen behind on real estate tax payments. By entering into a written delinquent tax contract, property owners will establish a monthly payment and unpaid taxes will not be subject to further penalty or interest.
For more information or to establish a payment plan, please call the Treasurer Division at 330-643-2869 or 330-643-2588, or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Application forms can also be downloaded from our website at Click the property icon in the top menu to search for your parcel, then click the link titled “T.I.P” in the left side menu.