Contact: Sarah Hegnauer
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .(330) 643-8472 Akron, Ohio, September 13, 2019 – Effective October 17, 2019, statewide recording fees for most documents will increase by $6.00 due to the enactment of HB 166 state budget legislation. The new recording fee for the first two pages will be $34.00 (previously $28.00). Each additional page remains the same as current law at $8.00. Half of all recording fees collected are required to be submitted to the state to the credit of the Ohio Housing Trust Fund.
Sample Recording Fee Table Effective October 17, 2019:
Example: Your property is appraised for $100,000 by the Fiscal Office. Your insurance company indicates you sustained $10,000 damage to your property due to the recent storm. Since the damage occurred in August, you are entitled to a 50% reduction of the damage amount. Therefore, your property will be appraised at $95,000 for tax year 2019.
Number of Pages Recording Fee*
1 -2 Pages $34.00
3 Pages $42.00
4 Pages $50.00
5 Pages $58.00
6 Pages $66.00
7 Pages $74.00
8 Pages $82.00
9 Pages $90.00
10 Pages $98.00
* $4.00 marginal fees and standardization guidelines still apply.
For additional information, please see Ohio Revised Code 317.32 & 317.36.