Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced that the Fiscal Office will observe Weights and Measures Week on March 1-7, 2014. This week acknowledges the public servants who work vigorously to protect us as consumers and commemorates the first United States weights and measures law signed by John Adams on March 2, 1799. It is sponsored by the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM).
In Summit County, weights and measures are tested by the Summit County Fiscal Office. Fiscal Officer Scalise said, “I am dedicated to protecting our consumers and maintaining fairness in the marketplace. Everything is sold by weight, measure or count. My office uses highly accurate equipment to test measuring devices in retail establishments throughout the county. We ensure consumers in Summit County get what they pay for.”
Inspectors from the Fiscal Office work daily to identify potential problems before they affect the consumer. With over 1100 retail establishments in Summit County, testing is performed on a continuous basis to maintain constant accuracy. Stores typically have multiple devices that require testing. For example, grocery stores are equipped with scales at the register, deli counter and meat counter. Packaged goods on store shelves are also examined by inspectors, to ensure the product count matches what is advertised.
Fuel quality testing is regulated through the weights and measures law. Summit County is the only county in the state of Ohio to perform fuel quality testing and enforce it through the county charter. Fiscal Office inspectors are trained to test for octane levels, water and sediment by using tools and methods such as the Scully Water Detection Device, Stick and Paste, Bacon Bomb and Zeltex Octane Analyzer. They look for accuracy of price per gallon, quality and quantity delivered. Testing is performed at approximately 170 fuel stations in Summit County.
In observance of Weights and Measures Week, Fiscal Officer Scalise has shared tips to help consumers have a positive shopping experience. She said, “I am your consumer watchdog. Please be aware of what to look for, and speak up if you experience unfairness in the market place. Report issues relating to weights and measures to my office by calling (330)630-7228 or emailing This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .”
Tips for consumers:
Package labels provide consumers with helpful information about the product. Labels are required by law to list the amount of product and the net contents. - DON'T PAY FOR WRAPPING
Pay for the product, not the packaging materials. Whether it's salad from a deli or meat from a butcher, pay only for the amount of product inside the package. - CHECK YOUR CREDIT CARD RECEIPT
Make sure you have been charged the correct amount and take your receipt with you. - PAY THE ADVERTISED PRICE
Stores often display prices on the shelf, rather than on the item. Watch the price on the checkout display as the item is scanned to ensure it matches the price on the shelf. Speak up if the prices don't match. - WATCH FOR SCALE TIPPING
Make sure the scale is on zero prior to the weighing. There should not be anything on the scale or obstructing the pan of the scale. Speak up if the scale indicates a weight when there is nothing on it. Ask to have the scale zeroed out before weighing your merchandise. - LOOK FOR THE FISCAL OFFICE SEAL
Fiscal Officer Scalise tests every scale, meter, cash register, scanning device and fuel pump in Summit County. Devices that produce positive test results are marked with the Fiscal Office seal.