
Summit County Fiscal Office

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Home News Negotiated Tax Certificate Lien Sale

Negotiated Tax Certificate Lien Sale

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Summit County Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise CPA, CFE has announced that her office conducted a Negotiated Tax Certificate Lien Sale on Tuesday, April 30, 2013. Tax Ease Ohio, LLC had a successful bid of $124,869.50 on 56 parcels. Parcels that sold consisted of residential and commercial properties.

Prior to the tax certificate sale, the Fiscal Office collected $393,044.08 on parcels that were pending sale. “I am committed to assisting the citizens of Summit County in meeting their obligation to pay real estate taxes by offering various programs, including the Delinquent Payment Program,” Fiscal Officer Scalise said. “If you have fallen behind on your taxes, please call my office at (330)643-2600 regarding a payment program, which would prevent a lien from being sold on your property.”

Tax certificate sales insure that taxing districts entitled to revenues from property tax collections will receive those tax dollars needed for their operations. Any property the Fiscal Officer offers for a tax lien certificate sale must be certified delinquent for at least one year under current law. Properties that are in bankruptcy or foreclosure are not eligible.


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