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Home News 2nd Annual Apot-A-Thon

2nd Annual Apot-A-Thon


195 abandoned animals in need were placed in new homes as a result of the 2nd Annual Summit County Adopt-A-Thon. The event was held on Saturday, November 5, 2011 at the Summit County Division of Animal Control facility, located at 250 Opportunity Parkway in downtown Akron. The event was sponsored by Executive Russell M. Pry, Fiscal Officer Kristen M. Scalise and the Summit County Animal Coalition.

kittensBy rolling back adoption rates to $10 per animal (regularly $90 per dog, $60 per cat), county officials were able to attract over 300 citizens to the event. Many waited in line outside of the facility for over an hour before the doors opened with the hopes of having the opportunity to select their ideal pet.

Upon entering the facility, citizens were greeted by the Division of Animal Control's mascot "High Point" and information booths highlighting the rights and responsibilities of local animal owners, the importance of dog licensing and the availability and rates of the doggie day care, boarding and grooming services being offered by Hattie Larlham. The WQMX Traveling Road Show was also on-site offering prizes to all attendees.

ksm_dog"Connecting our adoptable animals with families is always a fun and heartwarming experience," stated Executive Pry. "I would like to thank the citizens of this community, as well as our event sponsors, for supporting this annual endeavor."

Over the past two years, adopt-a-thons sponsored by the Summit County Division of Animal Control have resulted in 392 animals (164 dogs and 228 cats) being placed in new homes.

All citizens who adopted a canine were required to purchase a $14 Summit County Dog License. The Ohio Revised Code requires citizens who own, keep or harbor a dog more than three months of age to purchase a county issued dog license on an annual basis. Funds generated from the sale of dog licenses are used to feed, house and vaccinate abandoned animals in need.

For more information contact the Summit County Division of Animal Control at 330-643-2845. To view photos of adoptable animals visit


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Akron, OH 44308