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Surveyors (37.4 KB) The Surveyors Table contains the license number and name of licensed surveyors that have submitted a survey to Summit County, and is |
Streets_Names_Annotation (401.48 KB) The Street Names Annotation layer contains text labeling current dedicated rights-of-way, private streets, and access easements within |
Streets_Misc_Annotation (79.78 KB) The Streets Miscellaneous Annotation layer contains text labeling rights-of-way, access easements, private streets, and other traveled ways |
School_Districts (85.31 KB) The School Districts layer contains polygons representing public school districts for all of Summit County |
Recorded Surveys (106.64 KB) The Recorded Surveys layer contains points indicating the general location of a survey that has been recorded in the Summit County records. |
Plats Pages (220.21 KB) Plats Pages is a database table containing records for each page in the Summit County Plat Book and Plat Cabinet records, and the name |
Plats (5.71 MB) The Plats layer (formerly known as Allotments or Subdivisions) contains polygons depicting areas covered by plats recorded in |
Parcel_Lines (107.61 MB) The Parcel Lines layer contains lines depicting the as-recorded boundaries of individual parcels, right-of-ways, and easements, for all of |
Parcel_Land_Hooks (5.4 MB) The Land Hooks dataset contains "Z"-shaped line symbols indicating a common parcel across a line feature in the Summit County parcel |
Parcel_Dimensions (10.09 MB) The Dimensions Annotation layer contains text labeling lines in the Parcel Lines layer with their distance, as recorded in a legal description or |
Parcels (60.3 MB) The Parcel Regions layer contains polygons depicting the taxable areas of parcels for all of Summit County |
Original_Townships (127.95 KB) The Original Townhips layer contains polygons depicting the original subdivision of land into townships that make up Summit County |
Old_Lots_Annotation (150.69 KB) The Old Lots Annotation layer contains text labeling the boundaries of the Summit County Old Lots polygon layer with the name of the |
Old_Lots (598.12 KB) The Old Lots layer (also known as First Township Divisions) contains polygons that depict the first (and in some cases the second) |
Lot_Annotation (2.35 MB) The Lot Annotation layer contains text labeling sub-lots within an allotment in Summit County, as defined in the allotment's legal description or |
Jurisdictions (345.22 KB) The Jurisdictions dataset contains polygons depicting the politcal subdivisions of Summit County |
Easements_Annotation (38.98 KB) The Easements Annotation layer contains text labeling easements in the Easements polygon layer with descriptive text about the easement |
Easements (784.65 KB) The Easements layer contains polygons depicting access and other major easements in Summit County |
Allotments_Annotation (225.11 KB) The Allotments Annotation layer contains text labeling each allotment in Summit County with its name and reference to the Summit County |